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Analisa Winther

Analisa Winther Profile Photo

Founder of Future Food podcast & Startup Coach

Analisa Winther's spent her entire career putting together startup and investor relationships as an ecosystem developer.
Today, she coaches Founders helping them to define their vision and values to create a culture built to scale as well as hone their pitch to attract the right investors. In her consulting business, Analisa guides corporate venture capital arms and single-family offices on where to invest related to the future of food. Past clients have included the likes of IKEA and PINC.
Analisa is a frequent speaker on the future of food and the host of the popular podcast Future Food with Analisa Winther, which has interviewed over 100 stakeholders on how we can build a better future through food.

May 16, 2023

Future Food Podcast - Invaluable Tips for Founders and Investors (feat. Analisa Winther)

In today's show, I’m receiving Analisa Winther the Founder of the podcast Future Food. She spent her entire career putting together startup and investor relationships as an ecosystem developer. Today, she coaches Founders hel...