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Emanuel Heisenberg

Emanuel Heisenberg Profile Photo

Co-Founder of Ecoworks

Emanuel is the Founder and CEO of ecoworks, a start-up that automates and industrializes renovation to decarbonize the building stock at scale. Before ecoworks, he founded and managed start-ups in deep geothermal and decentralized energy.

Emanuel advises the German Government on heat and decentralized energy policies and is active as an author and speaker.

Oct. 3, 2023

The Future Of Construction Is Modular: Ecoworks' Blueprint for Green Homes (ft. Emanuel Heisenberg)

In today's show, I'm receiving Emanuel Heisenberg, co-founder of Ecoworks, a construction company that transforms houses into NetZero. We cover: - The Energiesprong Revolution: How Ecoworks Transforms Homes to NetZero in Days...