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In today's show, I'm receiving Allegra Kowalewski-Ferreira, Partner at Breakthrough Energy Europe. We touch on: - Defying Norms: Allegra's Unconventional Path to Partner at the Climate Tech's Top Fund - Behind the Scenes: Breakthrough Energy's Unique Investment Decisions - Bill Gates: The Visionary Behind Breakthrough Energy Ventures - Can Mega…
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In today's show, I'm welcoming Jacqueline van den Ende, Co-Founder and CEO of Carbon Equity, a Climate VC and private equity fund investing platform that enables people to invest in the world's best climate funds. We cover: -Jacqueline van den Ende's personal journey, motivation, and drive in the climate tech…
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This time we're turning tables. I will not be conducting the interview. Instead, I will be interviewed. By popular demand, you will hear a little bit about me and my thoughts on some awesome topics, such as risk management, ways to become an angel investor with as little as $1000,…
Climate Insiders has grown into a Top 7% podcast worldwide 🔥 Here are some key stats and a preview of what's coming next... ✨ Over 8,000 people have tuned in to at least one episode! (Psst… not many podcasters share their stats, I wish they did it more). For a…
#ESGDefinition, #VCFundLandscape, #ImpactMeasurement, #MultiDimensionalTopic, #EconomicImpact, #EcologicalImpact, #SocialImpact, #GovernanceImpact, #NonFinancialAspects, #ESGIntegration, #NegativeConsequences, #ExpressionList, #BusinessModelConsiderations, #ClimateImpact, #BiodiversityImpact, #SupplyChainResponsibility, #SustainableBusiness, #ESGInsights, #YouTubeShort
#ReportingToLPs, #BestPractices, #TimelyReporting, #MeaningfulData, #Accountability, #ESGDueDiligence, #KPITracking, #QuarterlyReports, #SFTRReporting, #DataAggregation, #ESGAspects, #AdverseImpacts, #SFDRCompliance, #InvestmentLifetime, #LPExpectations, #Transparency, #DataConsistency
#ClimateTechVC, #ImpactAlignment, #StartupSupport, #ImpactCounseling, #Responsibilities, #FounderAssistance, #ImpactInsights, #BabysittingConsiderations, #QuarterlySessions, #ProvidingHelp, #ExtremeApproaches, #AndreesenHorowitzModel, #OutsourcedSustainabilityFunction, #LearningJourney, #BalancedSupport, #InvestmentPartnership, #SustainabilityExpertise, #StrategicGuidance
#LCAExplanation, #FundLevelLCA, #InternalExternalConsiderations, #ComplexityManagement, #LCARecommendations, #DetailandDepth, #LifecycleAnalysis, #GoldStandard, #ProtocolRequirements, #ThirdPartyReview, #ProductLaunch, #LCAWork, #LCAEngineers, #LCADataBase, #QuickandDirtyApproach, #InvestmentContinuity, #SustainableInvesting, #EcosystemGuidance
Today's show features not just one, but two guests, who will provide super actionable insights to FINALLY demystify the IMPACT of Climate Tech Funds. -We will break down the most important concepts around impact measurements, such as SFDR, ESG, LCA, and other key acronyms ruling European Climate Tech. -We will…