#ScalingCompanyNeeds #RemoteFirstCulture #HybridWorkEnvironment #GlobalTalentAcquisition #CollaborativeExchange #IdeationSessions #In-PersonCollaboration #OffsiteMeetings #TeamBuilding #EfficientWorkflows #FlexibleWorkArrangements #MaximizingProductivity #BalancingRemoteAndIn-PersonWork
#EuropeanInvestmentGap #TechnologyInvestment #RiskAppetite #MaximizingPotential #HomegrownCompanies #ClimateImpact #GlobalClimateChange #InvestmentInnovation #CompetitorComparison #TechnologyTransfer #ClimateSolutions #GlobalCollaboration #EUInvestmentStrategy
#CapExFundingStrategies #RaisingCapitalTips #CapExIntensiveCompanies #InvestmentStructures #BusinessModels #SuitableFinancingApproaches #UnderstandingInvestors #VCvsPrivateEquity #InfrastructureInvestors #CapitalPreservation #RiskMitigation #FinancialProjections #InvestorRequirements
#SustainableWindBladeRecycling #RecyclingInnovation #ZeroWasteSolution #CircularEconomy #CompositeMaterialReclamation #ConstructionIndustryReuse #HighValueProducts #AutonomousRecyclingProcess #EnvironmentallyFriendly #RecycledComposites #ResourceEfficiency #ContinuumInnovation
#WindTurbineLifecycle #EnvironmentalImpact #WindBladeWaste #SustainableSolutions #RenewableEnergyChallenges #CO2Emissions #LandfillingIssues #WasteToEnergyProblems #CementCoProcessing #SustainableWasteManagement #LongTermSolutions #GreenFuture
Nicolas Derrien is the CEO and Founder of Continuum. He's a fervent entrepreneur who believes NO composite should be buried or burned and simply left for future generations to deal with. We cover: -The big problem of end of life wind turbines -The best solutions to recycling composite materials and…
#NoJerksAllowed #ToxicityTerminated #CultureOfRespect #AssholeFreeZone #KindnessOverEgo
@climateinsiders Analisa Winther & Yoann Berno #PitchPerfectTips #InvestorCravings #StartupUnveiled #PitchingMastery #FundingFrenzy
#CompanyCulture #ValuesMatter #Teamwork #WorkplaceCulture #EmployeeEngagement #PositiveVibes #WorkLifeBalance #Collaboration #diversityandinclusion #EmployeeWellbeing #Innovation #Leadership #Respect #Transparency #Passion #empowerment
In today's show, I’m receiving Analisa Winther is the Founder of the podcast Future Food. She spent her entire career putting together startup and investor relationships as an ecosystem developer. Today, she coaches Founders helping them to define their vision and values to create a culture built to scale as…
#familybusiness #investmentfunds #NextGenInvesting #entrepreneurfamily #investmentportfolio
#GlobalInvesting #StartupCulture #EntrepreneurialMindset #InvestmentStrategy #BusinessConsulting
#WaterFiltering #CleanWater #WaterPurification #ChemicalRemoval #WaterTreatment #WaterSafety #HealthyLiving #EnvironmentalHealth #WaterPollution #WaterContamination #wayout
#PlasticAlternatives #ReducePlastic #PlasticFreeLiving #SustainableLiving #EcoFriendly #PlasticWaste #SayNoToPlastic #ZeroWaste #ReusableProducts #GreenLiving #wayout
#WaterAccess #CleanWaterForAll #WaterForLowIncomeFamilies #WaterInequality #CommunityWaterProjects #WaterSustainability #WaterJustice #AffordableWater #WaterRights #LowIncomeWaterPrograms #wayout
In today's show, I receive Ulf Stenerhag the Founder of Wayout, a Swedish-based startup that produces Micro-Water Plants the size of a container. We cover: -How to crack the production of water locally and make it trustworthy so that people stop using bottles and drink from the tap again -Some…
#tti #toptierimpact #greentechnology #cleantech #community #toptier #globalimpact #globalimpactaward
#tti #toptierimpact #greentechnology #cleantech #colectivereality
In today's show, I'm receiving Alessa Berg the Founder of Top Tier Impact, a global ecosystem of impact investors, LPs, entrepreneurs, professionals and public figures in more than 45 countries. TTI runs weekly impact investment events across its 40+ city chapters and during gatherings such as the World Economic Forum…
#tti #toptierimpact #greentechnology #cleantech #quit9to5
#cleantech #computervision #insects #insectsfarming #insectsfacts
Keiran is the Founder of Entocycle, an insect-farming startup based out of London. They commercialize high-tech insect breeding modules to enable efficient and scalable insect farming. Keiran has a TON of insights to share. -Why insect farming is at a turning point due to Covid, the war in Ukraine, and…
#cleantech #investment #dualcarrystrategy #limitedpartner #startup #insects #insectsfarming #insectsfacts
#cleantech #investment #dualcarrystrategy #limitedpartner #startup